Knowing New Brunswick Arts

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Thursday May 26th 7:30 PM

五月二十六日, 周四

Buckland Merrifield Gallery地址: 36 Canterbury St, Saint John

What's included:

For people who are not originally from New Brunswick it can be difficult to understand the local art scene.  Here is the first of what we hope to be a series of meetings to discuss and learn about local arts.

At this evening’s wine and cheese Peter Buckland and Shannon Merrifield of Buckland Merrifield Gallery will address some of the common questions people have such as:

  • How do I know what is considered good art?
  • What should I be aware of when I purchase local arts and crafts?
  • How can I learn more about local arts and crafts? What resources are available?
  • How can I get to know people involved in arts and crafts in New Brunswick?

$10 per person

本次活动将会为您诚心提供品尝:葡萄酒 & 奶酪



Buckland Merrifield Gallery巴克兰梅里菲尔德艺术馆的两位主人, Peter Buckland 和  Shannon Merrifiel, 他们不仅仅是商界的名人,更是当地艺术界最知名,并享有社区声望的艺术品鉴赏人,将届时在此次活动上向大家讲述一些在购买本地艺术品时的常见问题:

  • 我怎么知道什么是一个好的艺术品?
  • 当我购买当地艺术作品时我应该注意哪些事项?
  • 我怎样才能更多地了解当地的艺术品,和手工制作品?有哪些资源我可以利用?
  • 我怎样才能认识到活跃在NB省本地艺术界和手工界的相关人士?



Mandarin translation services will be provided by SONG, Li

trio - peter buckland 2

Paul Kasdan Peter Buckalnd SONG, Li

Please register in advance:

Registration closed

For additional information or questions please call or email:


Paul Kasdan 保罗•卡斯丹

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